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Proven Training Tactics

Rhythm clap
The main goal of the clap method is to increase your ability to dribble subconsciously meaning; you are able to dribble without thinking of dribbling. In order to do that I need to remove your attention from the ball by creating disruptions and distractions.

  • Disruption - problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

  • Distraction - extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.

The way I will be able to create both disruptions and distractions will be from using hand claps. The clap includes the interaction between the hands of two people participating in the drill. Hands will have to touch with palms when creating clap. The claps can occur before, during, or after your dribbles.

Using claps will increase multiple areas of your ball handling ability. Implementing these claps improves your overall awareness and feeling for the ball. Also you will experience the ability to manipulate the ball better which will allow you to control the timing of your dribble. The ability to manipulate the ball and time you dribble will allow you to make reactionary decisions with the ball during the game. The ability to react to distractions or disruptions within a game is very important for players. In order to be reactive with the basketball you have to have a superior feel for the ball without thinking too much about it. The best challenge for ball handlers is to try and take their attention away from the ball while maintaining a consistent dribble. These claps take your attention away from the ball.

Example of times you attention gets taken away from the ball:

  • coaches directing plays or communicating with you

  • crowd interference or student sections making noise

  • teammates, opposing team, or player guarding you

  • being fouled, dribbling off players body, or just a bad bounce

In order to preform any drills using the Rhythm Clap method you have to create guidelines for the players to follow. One rule I include is I need to be able to hear each individual clap throughout a progression. If you cannot hear the clap then the player usually is rushing their dribble. To solve this problem you have to make sure the player is able to hang the ball longer giving them enough time to properly clap their partners hand. The partner in this drill also plays a huge role in the accountability. One partner should not have to make more effort than the other to engage in these claps.

The only way to successfully complete these drills depends on the player's ability to correctly manipulate and time their dribble. Depending on the combination and the placement of the claps will determine the timing and rhythm of the drill.

Every rhythm clap combo includes a series of stationary dribbling and dribble moves, The placement of the claps will vary on the players overall dribbling ability. The advanced ball handler will have more claps per combo compared to a beginner who will have fewer claps per combo. Once both players consistently follow the rhythm and can complete 10 reps in a row without messing up then they can start adding 1 step in between each rep. The goal is to be able to move up and down the court with your partner with no mess-ups.

The main goal of the big step method is to increase effective movement with the basketball. In order to do that we have to focus on the small details. Those details include physical maneuvers and movement of the ball.

  • Physical maneuvers - consist of pressure points, momentum, balance, strength, and control.

  • Movement of the ball - consists of feeling, rhythm, timing, manipulation, and focus.

By targeting small details within simple movements I am able to maximize your ability to move with the basketball. Being able to cover more ground with less steps can create an advantage over the defender and improve your overall game. Another benefit from this big step method includes learning how to dribble at various angles while moving in a forward or backward direction. This is very crucial for players to learn because it will keep the basketball out of the defenders reach.

In order to preform any drills using the big step method you have to create guidelines for the players to follow. One rule I include is that players are not allowed to move their feet unless they are taking a step forward. This rule makes the drill more difficult and forces the player to hold their entire body accountable. Holding your body accountable during this drill will be difficult for some players because they have a bad habit of taking negative steps.

  • Negative steps - are the steps taken backwards in order to move forward. Taking a negative step hinders your ability to move quicker and more efficiently.

One way I help players eliminate negative steps is to explain how to develop power from a static position. To create this power you have to increase the amount of pressure you can push into the floor with a single foot, also known as loading one leg. The way to load one leg would be to shift more of your body weight to one side. The leg you are unloading or releasing pressure from will now be used as your lead foot to drive past defender.

Every big step combo includes a series of dribble moves. Each series has a unique rhythm that will help you control the ball. You must be able to complete these combos stationary before adding a big step. Being able to do 10 in a row without a mess up on both hands is a good sign to start moving forward. Once you are able to start moving try and count how many steps it takes you to go half/full court. In about a month re try the drill and see if you were able to decrease the amount of steps it took.

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